When Should I Start Wearing a Maternity and Nursing Bra?

Maternity and Nursing Bra

The sense of motherhood brings happiness, joy, and celebration. While you begin gearing up financially and buckling up to create spaces for the little one in your home, you already know that the baby will accompany changes in your life for the good. Apart from these environmental changes, the body of the mother preps up to bear the child and nourish him afterward. One of such prominent changes in the body of the mother is the enlargement of her breasts. You must have heard the health experts emphasizing migrating to maternity and nursing bras at the right time for avoiding all possible stresses to your breasts. But do you know the right time to start wearing a maternity and nursing bra? Let’s find out below.

The Right Time to Wear Maternity Bras

Maternity bras are among the very first weapons required for transforming a woman into a mother. During pregnancy, you will encounter a considerable size change in your breasts. Consequently, all the older sets of bras will stop comforting you as earlier, leaving you in a situation to go for highly adaptive maternity bras. 

The most common question among women is regarding the right time to switch to maternity bras. Well, mothers must consider wearing a maternity bra as soon as the bust area starts getting sensitive. Generally, during the third month, the breasts become more sensitive and tender and demand some extra support. The onset of the second trimester is likely to accompany some breast changes as well. So, you can get the first set of maternity bras during the third month or the beginning of the second trimester.

The Right Time to Wear Nursing Bras

The experienced moms know how to manage all other activities and nurse their babies like a pro. When motherhood is an all-new experience, the moms find it cumbersome to breastfeed their babies, dealing with sensitive breasts, and handling cracked nipples. All they need in such scenarios is a versatile bra that eases out the nursing activity and provides optimum comfort to the body. Nursing bras are their saviors! For active mothers, walking some extra steps towards getting an active nursing bra works wonders.

active nursing bra

At about eight months of pregnancy, the change in breast sizes becomes steady. At such a stage, nursing bras must take over the role of supporting your breasts. Your breast size during eight months of pregnancy is the determining size of your nursing bralette or bra.

nursing bralette

More than joy, motherhood is the onset of responsibilities both for your newborn and your body. Fulfill all your motherly duties, get adequate pieces of the best nursing bra, and maternity bras at the right time, and take good care of yourself and your little one.



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